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Testimony of Trust

 Start Location
 Oren Castle Town
 Start Npc
 High Priest Hollint
 No (Solo)
 Mark of Trust

1. Quest Starts at Oren Castle Town with High Priest Hollint at temple.He he asks you to carry his letters to the top leaders of the elves and dark elves. He will give you the quest item Letter to give to Elves. 

2. Go to the Elven Village and find Hierarch Asterios at temple. He ask you to hunt some mobs and bring back some proof of this. 

3. Go to Elven Forest and kill Dryads Elders until the Actea of Verdant Wilds respaws.Kill it and get the quest item Seed of Verdure. At same region kill Lireins until Luell of Zephyr Winds respaws. Kill it and get the quest item Breath of Winds.

4.Now take both of these quest items back to Asterios. And he will give you the quest item Elf's token of Trust. Asterios will give you the trust of the elves (Scroll of Elf Trust or Elf's token of Trust)

5. Go to the Dark Elven Village and find Tetrarch Thifiell. You will have to get the trust of the dark elves from him. He will require you to prove yourself. But this time you have to go to Dion Castle Town and find Magister Clayton and tell him to come help. 

6. Go to Dion and find Magister Clayton in the Dark Elf Guild. He will give you the quest item Clayton's Order.

7. You have to collect a list of ingredients.To collect these ingredients you will need to go to Death Pass ( or Hardins Private Academy), Cruma's Swamp area and Wasteland. 
a) Death Pass Pass: At death pass, hunt Guardian Basilisks. They will drop the quest item Guardian Basilisk's Blood. Once you collect 10 of them, they will change into the quest item Basilisk's Plasma. 

b) Cruma's Swamp area: At the swampy area around Cruma Tower, you need to hunt Swamp Staccato Soldiers. They will drop the quest item Staccato's Fluids. Once you collect 10 of them, they will transform into Staccato Ichor.

c) Wasteland: At Wasteland, hunt the Soldier Ants. They will drop the quest item Giant Aphids. Once you collect 10 of them, they'll change into the quest item honeydew.

8. When you have all three of the final ingredients, return to Dion and talk with Clayton. He will tell you to carry the 3 ingredients to Thifiell at Dark Elven Village. Go to Dark elven Village and give the itens to Thifiell and he will give you the quest item Dark Elves' of Trust.

9. Now return to Holint in Oren with the two pieces of paper from the elves and dark elves, he will send you to Cardinal Seresin.
10. Cardinal Seresin is in entrance of temple. Talk to Seresin, this time you will have to go to the Orcs and Dwarves. 

11. Go to Orc Village through Gludin by using the gatekeeper. Kakai the Lord of Flame is into temple of the city. There are staircases on either side, use one to go upstairs to find him. He will send you to Giran Castle Town. 

12. At Giran, find Seer Manakia at Orc Guild.Manakia will ask you to collect 10 of the quest item Rota's Parisitic Spirit. 


13. Go to the Dragon Valley area or Hardins Private Academy and hunt Windsus ultil get the itens and return to Manakia.

14. Manakia will give you a letter to take back to Kakai the Lord of Flame. Go back to Orc Village and gives Manakia's letter to Kakai and he will give you the Orc's token of Trust. 

15. Now have to go to the Dwarven Village and meet High Elder Lockirin. in the elder's concil.He will ask you to talk to Maestro Nikola.

16.  Now go to Dion and teleport to Cruma Tower Area and find Maestro Nikola. He is outside of tower. He will give you the quest item Nicolla's Orders.In which he requires you to collect 10 of the quest item Porta's Heart Stone.

17. You will find Porta on the 1st floor of Cruma Tower.  After you have collected 10, return to Nikola. 

18. Now have to go to back to the Dwarven Village and meet High Elder Lockirin. in the elder's concil. Talk to him and he will give you the Scroll of Dwarf Trust.

19. Now return to Cardinal Seresin in Oren. Seresin will send you to Talking Island Village where you must find Priest Biotin in the temple.  Biotin will give you the final quest item, Mark of Trust.

Since CT2, the rewards are:

item 252212
item Undecided
item 1390298
item 92782

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