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Saga of the Hierophant

 Start Location
 Oren Castle Town
 Start Npc
High Priest Hollint
Become HierophantCardinal, Secret Book of Giants, 5.000.000 adenas, 2299404 exp

1) The quest starts in Oren Castle town in the church with High Priest Hollint. He tells you to find the Saint of Light, Agnes, in Goddard Castle Town.
2) The Saint of Light can be found around the Magic Shop. She tells you to find Duncan in the Hot Springs.
3) Chef Duncan and Chef Jeremy are both in the same area in Hot Springs, in the little camp near the center. Duncan tells you to go to Jeremy for the ice crystals.
Jeremy sparks off another related but separate quest. He has several quests, you want The Finest Ingrediants Part 1. 
Once you get the ice crystal from this quest return to Chef Duncan.Chef Duncan hands you a well-packaged jar containing the food  to take it to Saint of Light Agnes.

4) Return to Saint of Light, Agnes in Goddard. She tells you to find the 1st Tablet of Vision.

5) Port to Hunter's Village and use the Northern Enchanted Valley Port or go to Aden and use the West Gate to leave the town. Find the 1st Tablet of Vision and click on it. You are then told to travel to the Valley of Saints to find the next 2nd tablet.

6) Now port to Rune and then to the Valley of Saints (it is better have a bow, a dagger or a dualsword). Once you there talk with the tablet. The tablet will let you know that the amulet you need is held by the winged guardians around the tablet, so start killing the angels. When you get the amulet talk with the tablet to get the location of 3rd tablet. 

7) Now go to Goddard and use Gk to Ketra outpost. Go walking in direction of Pilgrims Temple.

When you commune this time, a quest mob Fallen Angel Naverius and his minions appear. Kill him (he is undead). He will use some debuffs, only rebuff you again. After kill him talk to the tablet again and you will earn Resonance Amulet - 3.

8) Go to Goddard again and find Priest Bastain. In order to obtain the 4th Resonance Amulet, you must choose to do alliance with Ketras or Varkas Silenos to obtain  the rights to make the quest that will give you the Divine Stone of Wisdom.

 a) If you choose Alliance with the Ketra Orcs Alliance with ketra orcs - level 1 and 2  after you will have to make quest Magical Power of Water (part 1 only) Magic Power of Water-Part 1

b) If you choose Alliance with the Varka Silenos Alliance with Varka Silenos-level 1 and 2 after you will have to make quest Magical Power of Fire (part 1 only) Magic power of Fire-Part 1

9) When get the Divine Stone of Wisdom, go back to Priest Bastian in Goddard town. He gives you Resonance Amulet 4, and tells you to to find the next Tablet of Vision .Go to Ketra and go walking in direction of Monastery of Silence and find the Tablet. Talk with it and get the 4th Amulet.

 10) Back to Bastain at Goddard, he tells you that the stone of communte is held by the Archon of Halisha.

11) Go to Wall of Argos and walk to Shrine of Loyality. You need to kill 700 mobs and on the 701 he will  appears. You can be in party to get the itens more fast but you have to kill Halisha solo. You will get the 5th Amulet.(you could also go to the option with 4 sepulchers but is a much harder). Monsters to Hunt: Grave Scarab, Scavenger Scarab, Grave Ant, Scavenger Ant, Shrine Knight and Shrine Guard.


12) After kill Halishs and get 5th Amulet go to the 5th Tablet. It is in Wall of Argos too. Talk with it and get the location of the 6th tablet.  It tells you to find the next Tablet of Vision north of the Seal of Shilen.
13) Now go to Hunter Village and go walking to the Tablet.When you speak with it Sunset Guide Luna will spawn. Help Luna kill the quest mob Fallen Angel Tanaki (it is better have a bow, a dagger or a dualsword). After sometime he will desapear. After this speak with Luna and she will give you the 6th Amulet. Speak with the tablet again.

14) Back at Oren castle town, speak to Hollint.

Grats you are now a Hierophant!

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