Path of the Elven Wizard
2) Magister Greenis requires you do something for her, which is kill Pincer Spiders to get 5 pieces of Red Down.

quest can be started at lvl 19, but I advise just start at Level 20
because the new skills will only be available at this level.
Start: Elven Village
This quest starts in the Elven Village in a small house in front of
the Grocery Store. Talk to Rosella and she gives you three tasks to do,
and you can only start one at a time, I tried. I started with Ruby. She
sends you to Magister Greenis who is in the Temple.

2) Magister Greenis requires you do something for her, which is kill Pincer Spiders to get 5 pieces of Red Down.
3) Pincer spiders are a ways west of the village, kill them until you have the 5 items then go back to Greenis.
4) Greenis gives you the Ruby so go back to Rosella again.
5) Choose Aquamarine this time and Rosella sends you to find Thalia.
Thalia is in an inconvienant spot near Iris Lake. There is no port even
close to her, so you have a good run ahead of you. She's in the gazebo
on the lake. She asks you to hunt Dryad Elders for Golden Leaves.
7) Dryad Elders can be found near the Elven Forest, when you have 5 go back to Thalia
8) Thalia gives you the Aquamarine, go back to Rosella in the Elven Village.
Rosella's last option is the Amethyst and she sends you to the Elven
Fortress to talk to Northwind, who is just outside the entrance. You can
port right there.

Northwind sends you deep into the Elven Fortress to kill Sukar Wererat
Leaders. They are aggro. You can do it solo at 20 if you take it slow as
to not pull too many mobs. The ones deeper in this fortress are up to
level 20.
11) Sukar Wererat Leaders
are found pretty deep in the Elven Fortress, where is where they are
first found, thanks to the new dungeon map areas. You need 2 Amethysts
and remember the leaders are aggro and the Sukar Wererats are social to
the leaders.
12) Back at Northwind and he gives you the Nobility Amethyst. Then go back to Rosella.
13) Rosella rewards you with the Eternity Diamond, 3,200 exp and 1,890 sp.