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Clan war and siege

I'm sorry if there are any mistakes because it was translated from russian.


Declaration of war
  1. Clan level 3 and above, which are composed of at least 15 characters, can declare war on another clan. To accept the war, the clan must comply with the same requirements.
  2. Simultaneously clan can challenge the 30 clans, but it can take any number of calls.
  3. The declaration of war by a team chat or from the management interface clan.
  4. Clans which have declared war in the Clan Information can view information about the clan wars, where we will see the number of murders of members of the clan and the time to reject a call, until the war began.
  5. Clan Wars begins when the clan who raced invitation clan war:
    • War confirmed by pressing a button in the menu control clan;
    • killed in PvP / PK 5 or more players of the clan, who threw an invitation to war of clans (the opponent does not have to be in a state of chaos);
    • If the person died of damage reflection, such a death is not included in the count of deaths for the start of the war of clans;
    • death is included in the count to start wars unless clans which have declared war finished off the character; if he paid 90% of the damage, but finished off a character that has no relation to your war, such a death is not included in the count for the start of the war clan.
Process War
  1. When you die, declare war at the hands of a hostile clan he loses the experience of 100% (ie, as if he had killed the monster). During the war, the loss of two-way experience is 25%.
  2. During the bilateral war by killing a "white" character assassin character will not be chaotic, it will increase the counter PvP.
  3. Even during the war of clans opponents should use forced attack to attack the enemy, and the color of a character's name will be changed to purple.
  4. The state of war clan can be found in the interface of the clan. The situation can be dominant / winning / equal / play / losing a very
  5. During the siege, the siege rules prevail over the rules of clan warfare.
Showing opponents
  1. During the two-way war - a badge of crossed swords over the character's head.
  2. In the conditional truce clan that threw the invitation on the clan war, will not see the icons above the head of the enemy clan. The clan, which threw the invitation on the clan war, sees the sign of the sword over the head of the enemy clan.
  3. When killing an enemy player Clan on the screen and chat in the system appears in blue lettering on it.
  4. When killing an enemy player Clan on the screen and chat in the system appears in red lettering on it.
The results of the war and the end of
  1. If within 7 days of the clan, which was invited to the clan war, killed 5 or more players of the clan, who threw an invitation to the clan war, the period of conditional truce ended automatically. Clan can re-throw the new invitation into a war of clans.
  2. If a clan to pay a fine of 500 Clan Reputation Points will begin a period of conditional truce, during which for 7 days for the start of the war of clans must again kill in PvP / PK 5 or more players of the clan, who threw an invitation to war of clans. If within 7 days of the clan, which was invited to the clan war, killed 5 or more players of the clan, who threw an invitation to the clan war, the period of conditional truce ended automatically. Clan can re-throw the new invitation into a war of clans.
Team chat
  • / clanwarstart -
  • / enemylist - shows the list of the clans that war was declared, but who have not yet accepted the challenge;
  • / attackerlist - shows the list of the clans which have declared war on your clan and have not received confirmation of his calling;
  • / clanwarlist - shows a list of the belligerent with you on general grounds clans, as well as your allies.
  • / clanwarstop -

SIEGES (only in Classic 2.0)

Castle Siege - this is part of PvP-content for clans in Lineage 2. Possession castle clan brings a number of benefits (income tax, the ability to lock, buying items).
Sieges castles are: Gludio Castle, Don Castle, Giran Castle and Oren Castle.

Time sieges

  • Sieges are held every two weeks on Sunday.
  • Sieges are held simultaneously in all the locks.
  • Siege begins at 20:00.
  • Sieges are held for 2 hours.

Participation in the siege

To take part in the siege on the offensive side or on the side of the castle, you need to register. Be present in the combat zone in the siege of the castle is possible without registration.

Register attack

Clans level 3 and above can register on the attacking side of the siege. You can register at NPC Messenger next to each lock, the registration is completed within 24 hours before the start of the siege. In other words, registration closes at 20:00 on Saturday.

Register defenders

Clans level 3 and above can sign up to siege as defenders. The clan that owns the castle is automatically registered on his behalf, other clans are registered to protect the castle from the NPC Messenger near the castle. Registration ends 24 hours before the beginning of the siege, but clan that owns the castle, to approve the registration of clan-defenders.

Terms Siege

  • At launch, all locks are engaged NPC.
  • If you try to capture the castle from the NPC is no one fails, the lock is returned NPC.
  • After the victory of the clan over the castle becomes the property of the clan. If the clan that owns the castle, will be dissolved, ownership of the castle goes back to the NPC.
  • The castle does not receive any damage to the siege.
  • Attackers and defenders - the enemies. Clans, consisting of the alliance can play for different sides.

Terms of Siege

  • The castle and grounds are a combat zone, at the entrance to the combat zone of a system message.
  • At the siege of some NPC at the adjacent territories of the castle no longer fulfill their function.
  • After the beginning of the siege of all the characters that are not defenders of the castle, move to the city was besieged castle.
  • At the beginning of the siege of the castle all the gates are closed.
  • The siege lasts 2 hours, if during the siege of the server is restarted, the prolonged siege, the level of HP NPC defenders, the gate and the other is at the same level that was before the server restarts.
  • When the death in a combat zone of the characters listed on the siege of clans and unregistered characters lose their usual amount of experience (4%).
  • If the person who dies in the area of ​​the siege, part of the clan, which has no leaguer, after death, he can be resurrected in the city was besieged castle.
  • The winner is considered to be in the siege of the clan, whose leader by the end of the siege using Seal of Light / Darkness Print on sacred artifact of the castle, the use of the Seal lasts 2 minutes.
  • After the end of the siege for one hour can change the lock belonging to the Light / Darkness through NPC.

Rules on PvP sieges

  • At the beginning of the siege of all the registered characters are divided into defenders and attackers. Attackers clans can attack each other and camps each other. Siege alliance between advocates also available.
  • In a combat zone does not need to hold the Ctrl key while attacking enemy and neutral characters. You do not get the status of PK in the murder of the characters in the combat zone.
  • Title character may change to an attacker if he comes out of the combat zone.

Castle Gate

  • At the beginning of the siege of the castle all the gates are closed.
  • As soon as the siege, the castle gates can be attacked. Attack the gates is only possible during the siege.
  • The gates of the castle can not be strengthened during a siege. But the Lord can strengthen the castle gates before the start of the siege at the castle Chamberlain.
  • If the gate had been destroyed during the siege, they can not be recovered.
  • The door closes after the capture of the castle (interim victory). But their HP does not become full. HP gate restored only after the end of the siege.


  • After reaching level 3 clan leader receives a skill Camped. Camp - point resurrection clan members in a combat zone. Near Camp HP and MP are restored faster.
  • Ability can only use the clan leader of the attacking side. Fit Camp can only be in a combat zone. For the campsite need Crystal D grade - 500 pcs.
  • The camp has a certain amount of HP and can be attacked and destroyed by enemy characters. If the camp is destroyed, the clan leader can put it back any number of times.
  • The siege camp allows the attacker dead clan members to rise with him, as it increases the speed of recovery of HP and MP clan members around the camp.
  • Camp disappears after the siege.

Watch tower

  • Watchtowers are located in different parts of the castle.
  • Watchtowers are responsible for the time required to exit from the dungeon of the castle after the resurrection. * If the Watchtowers are intact, while the exit from the cave is 30 seconds if destroyed - 3 min.

Fire Watchtower

Fire Watchtower helps to activate various protective functions of the castle. To enable these functions requires a certain amount of Adena. Safety features include:
  • zone, which deals damage to enemy characters that get into it;
  • zone that slows enemy characters who get into it.

The strength of each of these functions can be raised to the 4th level. If the attacking side destroys the controller Fire Watchtower, all functions are disabled.

Interim victory

Change of ownership of the castle until the end of the siege is called "interim victory." After winning the intermediate clan seized the castle, it is defending, and all other clans registered in the siege go on the offensive side. Clan Camp, occupied the castle disappears. After winning all the intermediate members of the clan, captured the castle, moving inside the castle, the castle gates are closed, 1/2 HP gate restored.
The clan lost the castle, goes on the offensive side, and can set up camp in a combat zone.


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