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Trial of Scholar


 Start Location
 Dion Castle Town
 Start Npc
 Magister Mirien
 Dark Elf
 Elemental Summoner
 Phantom Summoner
 No (Solo)
 Mark of the Scholar

1) Quest begins at Dion Castle Town with Magister Mirien located in the temple. You will receive the quest item "Mirien's Mark" .

2) In the same temple talk to  the High Priest Sylvian. You will receive the quest item "High Priest's Mark".
3) Go to Dion magic shop and talk to Maria. She sends you to talk to Captain Lucas.

4) G to the southern entrance and receive from Captain Lucas the quest item "Lucas' Mark".

 5) Go back to "Maria" and receive the quest item "Marya's Letter" which tells you to go to  "Floran Village".

6) Go to Floran Village and talk to Astrologer Creta at the east entrance of Floran. You will receive the quest item "Creta's Letter" and will need to go back to Maria in Dion Castle Town. 
7) You will receive from Maria the quest item "Lucilla's Handbag" and have to meet Creta in Floran village again. Creta will give you the quest item Creta's Picture" .
8) You have to go back to Maria in Dion another time and receive the quest item "Creta's Letter" to delivery to Captain Lucas at southern entrance of Dion Town.

9) Now go to Oren Castle Town and after to Plains of Lizardman and hunt the monster Leto Lizardman Warrior. After you collect 5 of the quest item "Brown Scroll Piece" you have to return to Maria in Dion.and you will receive the quest item "Crystal of Purity".

10) Go to temple and talk to  "High Priest Sylvain" and receive the quest item "Silvain's Mark".

11) Talk with Magiste Mirien in the temple too and you will receive the quest item "Mirien's Mark".

12) Go to Giran Town's mage's guild and talk to the Grand Magister Jurek. You will receive the quest items "Grand Magister's Mark" and "Jurek's List". You need to hunt the monsters and collect everything Jurek wrote down in the list:

    Monster Eye Destroyer (5 skin)

    Breka Orc Shaman (5 sorcerer's necklaces)

    Shackle (2 head skins)

13) Once you have collected all the ingredients writen in the list, return to "Grand Magister Jurek" in Giran Town's mage's guild. You will receive the quest item "Jurek's Voucher".

14) Now go to Dion Temple and find the "Magister Mirien" again. Once you meet Mirien she will ask you to  find Hunter Town's "Elder Cronos".

15) Go to Hunter Village. Talk to "Elder Cronos" and you will receive the quest item "Sage's Mark" and have to return to the mage's guild in Giran to talk to Dieter.

16) Go to Giran mage's guild and talk to Dieter. You will receive the quest item "Dieter's Key". 

17) Now return to Floran Village's "Astrologer Creta". Talk to him and you will recieve the quest items "Dieter's Diary" and "Dieter's Letter" to give back to "Dieter". 

18) Return to Giran and give them to Dieter.

19) Next place you have to go is the weapons shop in Hunters Town to find the trader Edroc. You will receive the quest item "Raout's Letter Envelope". 

20) Go to Gludin Town and give it to Warehouse Keeper Raut.

21) Now go to the Gludin Harbor and find the location of Drunkard Triff. You will receive the quest items "Treaf's Ring" and "Sacred Book of Knowledge vol. 1". 

22) Now you have to go to Giran and find the Warehouse Keeper Valkon. From Valkon you will receive the quest item "Balkon's Written Request". 

23) Return to the mage shop in Dion Town to find "Maria" again. She will give you the quest item "Crystal of Purity". Carry this crystal back to Valkon in Giran and you will receive the quest item "Sacred Book of Knowledge vol. 2".

24) Now you will have to go to Dragon's Valley or Hardins private Academy to hunt the monster Grandis to receive the quest item "Sacred Book of Knowledge vol. 3".
25) Go to Dion and  find Blacksmith Poitan and receive the quest item "Poitan's Ledger".

26) Now go to Wasteland and talk to Wiseman Cassian and get the quest item "Wiseman Casian's Ingredient List" .

27) You have to hunt monster of the list is as follows:

    10 Ghoul's Skin (from Ghoul) - Execution Grounds

    12 Medusa's Blood (from Medusa) - Gorgon Flower Garden

    5 Fettered Soul's Ichor (from Fettered Souls) - Death Pass or Hardins Private Academy

    5 Enchanted Gargoyle's Claws (from Enchanted Gargoyle)  - Ivory Tower Crater
28) After collected all of the ingredients, return to Wasteland to find Wiseman Casian. 

29) Then you will have to go back to the Giran Mage's Guild to find Dieter and then go to Hunters Town to find Elder Cronos. You will receive the quest item "Cronos's Voucher". 

30) Take this voucher to the Dion Temple's Magister Mirien and then you will receive the final quest item Mark of Scholar.


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