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What is Lineage II?

What is Lineage II?
Lineage II is a massive multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) for Microsoft Windows, the second game in the Lineage series. It has become very popular since its October 1, 2003 launch in South Korea, reporting 1.000,918 unique users during the month of March 2007. To date, the game has been played by more than 14 million users, mostly based in Asia.
On November 30, 2011 Lineage II adopted a free-to-play model in Lineage II: Goddess of Destruction, with all game content being free save for "purchasable in-game store items and packs".

The world of  Lineage II

The world of Lineage II is a war-torn land spanning two continents, where trust and betrayal clash as three kingdoms vie for power. The young king Raoul has successfully quenched a civil war and established the newest kingdom, Aden. Elmore, the military superpower located in the northern part of the continent, boasts that it is a direct descendent of ancient Elmoreden kingdom.  Gracia, located across the ocean on the west, is currently embroiled in a chaotic battle among blood relatives trying to take over the throne. These kingdoms share a delicate balance of power; however, within each kingdom they are vulnerable to internal strife, as each manor has strong desire for self-rule.
You have been thrown into this chaos. However, unlike the ordinary people who pray each day for safety, you have the power to protect yourself. In Lineage II, developing a character is not an end in itself. Rather, it is your instrument to obtain the power to enforce your will in this world. Seize your destiny! Your own hand will write the history of this world. 

Basic gameplay

To begin playing Lineage II, players create a character as their avatar in the game's medieval-style virtual world. All the races start at the temple of their race (Example: Humans start at "Talking Island" and the dark elves at "The Shilen Temple") . Players can choose from either fighter or mystic professions at the start, except for Dwarves and Kamael which are only able to select the fighter profession; this choice acts as an archetype for later profession options. Each race has its own set of classes, even if humans, elves and dark elves have a lot of classes that are very similar to their counterparts in the other two races.

As players kill non-player character (NPC) monsters, they accumulate experience points and skill points (SP). As experience points accumulate, the character's level increases, meaning various attributes of the character are augmented. Players purchase and then upgrade their character's skills using SP. Players can play alone or as part of a group to fight monsters and complete quests for new skills, experience points, and items. Player versus player (PvP) is a significant portion of the game. The game provides many social, political, and economic aspects which are developed through the community and by the actions, in-game, of single players. Lineage II features siege warfare like the original. To make sure PvP stays under control, the design includes a Karma system that provides negative consequences for killing other players when they are not fighting back. When being in a chaotic state (karma number higher than zero) with a PK count of 5 or more, players have a high probability of dropping items after being killed.

Combat System 

In Lineage II, what you see on the screen is in real time. Therefore, it is critical to make an appropriate decision quickly for every situation you get in. Lineage II pursues both strategic features and action-oriented features by offering client-server synchronization and production of a client's battle at the same time.
You will battle monsters with superior AI, use skills that need to be selected according to each particular situation, overcome situations through teamwork with other clan members, and experience action that is always thrilling, even when you kill a single monster.

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