quest Starts at the Dwarven Village in the elder concil. Talk to Elder
Lockirin. Then you have to collect 3 recommendations from the elders below and
then complete the quest with Lockirin.
Elder Arin will ask you to find Toma.
Talk to Elder Arin. Now you have to find Master Toma. He is
never in the same place so look at the locations marked on the map below.
Attention: He changes place after an
average of 30 minutes.
* At the northern entrance of the
Mythril mines
* Funds spiral staircase which is at the
northern entrance of the Coal Mines
* In a small island on the north coast.
Note: Since CT2 Toma doesn't change
of place. He is always in the small island on the north cost (3).
2A- When find Toma talk to him and
choose the option "I will help". You will be teleported to somewhere
in Dwarven Land with 3 monsters attacking you. Kill them and get Broken
Teleport Device. Now go back to Master Toma and talk to him. He will give you
5 teleport apparati.
Warning: Maybe he won't be in the
same place.
Return to the Dwarven Village and talk to Anvil's Arin in the elder
concil. He will get the 5 teleport apparati and you will get the 1st
B) Elder Balanki will ask to find Captain Croto.
Talk to Elder Balanki. He will send you look for Captain Croto. He is also in Dwarven
Village. Chief Croto asks you to find Kamur.
2B- To find Kamur, you should take
the gatekeeper to Orc Village. Then travel to the Cave of Trials. In the Cave
of Trials, click on Kamur's body. The conversation window will say a monster
eye general caused him to die.READ 3B
The wall in the direction of his left arm will
open. Go through the wall. Find the Evil Eye Lord. If you kill it you will receive the
quest item Kamur's Necklace. Go back to Dwarven Village and give it to Croto.
Return to Balanki and he will give you the 2nd recommendation.
Elder Filaur will ask you to get a research report.
Talk to Elder Filaur. Now you will have to go to Dion and teleport to Cruma
Tower. However, you do not need to go in the tower. You need to find Tower
Resident Rorein. She is in entrance of Cruma Tower.
2C- Talk to her and she will ask you
to collect 10 Mist Spider's Blood, 10 Weird Bee's poison stinger, and 10 Swamp
spider's webs. They are all in the swampy area outside of the tower.
Stinger Wasp Needle- Kill Stinger Wasp
10 Marsh Spider Webs - Kill Marsh spider
10 Leech Bloods- Kill Giant Mist Leech
3C- Once you have collected all of
them back to Rorein and she will give you a Research Essay.
4C - Return to elder concil in
Dwarven Village and talk to Filaur and he will give you the final
Now talk to Iron Gate's Lockirin and
he will give you the Mark of Maestro.
Congratulations! You finished the Test
Of Maestro!