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Test of the Sagittarius

 Start Location
 Hunter's Village
 Start Npc
 Guild President Bernard
 Dark Elf, Elf, Human
 Hawkeye, Phantom Ranger, Silver Ranger
 No (Solo)
 Mark of Sagittarius
sp- 30704      exp- 447444
adenas- 80903    dimensional diamond - undecided

1. Quest Starts at Hunter's Village with Hunter Union Leader Bernard. You have to go up the ramp beside gatekeeper and you will find him. He will give you the quest item Bernard's Introductory Letter. He will tell you to go find Sagittarius Hamil at Floran Village.

 2. Hamil is acually slightly out of range of the "village" but still in the area.Once you find Hamil, he will tell you to go to the Wasteland's south entrance area to find Sir Aron Tanford.

3. Go to Gludin and teleport to Wasteland and go walking by the road. Sir Aron Tanford is near a house. He will say that Brankel went to the Wasteland's Ant Caves and he has lost contact with him. He asks you to go to the Ant Caves and see what happened. That's what he says, but actually it means you have to go hunt ants. Any ant in the caves should give the item quest. When you have collected 10 of the quest item First Hunter's Rune, return to Hamil (not Tanford).

4. Return to Dion and after go back to talk to Hamil in Floran Village. He will tell you to find Orc Prefect Vokian in Giran Castle Town.Vokian will tell you to go kill Breka Orcs [any in the series should be fine.] You need to collect a Snake-shaped Charm. If you kill the Breka Orc Overlord and Shaman, you will get the quest item Second Hunter's Rune. They do not give the above-mentioned snake-shaped charm. HOWEVER, don't leave. Once you collect 10 of the runes, you will get the snake-shaped charm. So take the charm to Vokian.

5. Go to Breka Stronghold. You need to collect a Snake-shaped Charm. If you kill the Breka Orc Overlord and Shaman, you will get the 10 quest item Second Hunter's Rune.  Once you collect 10 of the runes, they will trasnform into the snake-shaped charm. So take the charm to Vokian.

6. Return to Vokian. To interpret the runes, Vokian will send you to Hamil in Floran Village. When you go to Hamil again, he will be surprised that the Demon Kadesh has been revived. But first he makes you go to the Ivory Tower in Oren. On the 3rd floor of the Ivory Tower you can find Magister Gauen. He will make you collect ingredients to build the New Moon's Bow mentioned by Hamil.

7. You have to collect each ingredient listed below:

-Manasen's  Horn - Kill Manashen Gargoyle in Ivory Tower crater. (Oren area)
  -Strong Spiderweb Thread - Kill Marsh Spider in Cruma Marshlands (Dion area).
-Marsh Stakato's  Chitin - Kill Marsh Stakato Soldier e Marsh Stakato Drone in Cruma Marshlands (Dion area).

-Swamp Staccato  Worker - Kill Marsh Stakato Worker in Cruma Marshlands (Dion area)..

-Mithril Ring/Link - Kill Road Scavenger in Death Pass (Giran area - GK to Dragon Valley)

8. Once you collect all of the items, return to Magister Gauen in Ivory Tower(Oren) and he will make and give you the New Moon's Bow. Take this bow and return to Hamil at Floran Village.

9. Hamil will tell you that while hunting Leto Lizardman you can meet the Demon Kadesh. They spawn in the area below Oren and west of Hunter's Village (Plains of the Lizardmen). Kill Lizardmen till you collect 100 of the quest item Lizardman's Blood.Once you collect 100 of the blood, the Demon Kadesh will appear at random so you may end up collecting anywhere from 100~130 of the blood before he spawns.

NOTE:  When killing the Demon Kadesh you MUST use the New Moon's Bow.Remember to get soulshots nograde and woden arrows.

10. Once you kill him you can return to Hamil in Floran Village (Dion) and he will give you the quest item Mark of Sagittarius.

Congratulations, you have completed the Test of Sagittarius!

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