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LVL 57 - Supplier of Reagents

 Start Location
 Oren (Ivory Tower)
 Start Npc
Trader Wesley
A grade crafting components / Full B-grade items

Note: Some reagents will be needed for the subclass and nobless quests.


1.Insert the Mixing Stone in Mixing Urn
2.Insert 10 Moonstone shards
3.Insert  1 Vulcanic Ash
4.Chosse the  temper 1 (Salamander)
You will get Moondust (you will need 10 of this)
5.Insert 10 Moondust
6.Insert  1 Quick Silver
7.Choose temper 1 (Salamander)
8.You will get 1 Lunagent
9.Insert 1 Lunagent
10.Insert 1 Quick Silver
11.Choose temper 1 (Salamander)
You will get 1 Pure Silver >>> It will be at inventory quest.
12.Retrive the mixing stone.
NOBLESSE QUEST - To make Hellfire Oil and 5 Lunargents mobs and places:

500 Moonstone shards – Hames Orc Shaman (Blazing Swamp) ou Hallate Maid (TOI 3)
100 Demon Bloods -Hallate’s Guardian (TOI 5)
100 Lava Stones – Hames Orc Shaman (Blazing Swamp)
60 Volcanic Ashes – Hames Orc Shaman (Blazing Swamp)
10 Blood Roots – Platinum Guardian Shaman (TOI 7)
5 Quick Silver – Hames Orc Shaman (Blazing Swamp)
2 Sulfur – Platinum Tribe Shaman(TOI 7)

When have all materials go to Ivory Tower and use the Alchemist’s Mixing Urn.
---> moon dusts :
Insert ingredients: moonstone shard x10
Insert catalyst: volcanic ash x1
Select temperature: 1-salamander
Mix ingredients
The result will be 1 moon dust .Repeat this till get 50 moon dust.

---> lunargents:
Insert ingredients: moon dust x10
Insert catalyst: quicksilver x1
Select temperature: 1-salamander
Mix ingredients
The result will be 1 lunargent. Repeat this till get 5 lunargents.

---> Hellfire Oil:
Magma dust:
Insert ingredients: lava stone x10
Insert catalyst: volcanic ash x1
Select temperature: 1-salamander
Mix ingredients
The result will be 1 magma dust . Repeat this till get 10 magmas dust.

Fire essence:
Insert ingredients: magma dust x10
Insert catalyst: sulfur x1
Select temperature: 1-salamander
Mix ingredients 

The result will be 1 fire essence.

Insert ingredients: demons blood x10
Insert catalyst: blood root x1
Select temperature: 1-salamander
Mix ingredients 

The result will be 1 demonplasm. Repeat this till get 10 demonplasm.

Demonic essence:
Insert ingredients: demonplasm x10
Insert catalyst: sulfur x1
Select temperature: 1-salamander
Mix ingredients 

The result will be 1 demonic essence.

Hellfire oil:
Insert ingredients: fire essence x1
Insert catalyst: demonic essence x1
Select temperature: 1-salamander
Mix ingredients 

The result will be 1 hellfire oil.
 1) Go to Ivory Tower from Oren GK. Take the quest from Trader Wesley in the underground shopping area.
2) Kill the following mobs to get the ingredients:

Tower of Insolence

>>> quest item: Rotten Bone Piece 61,8%
>>> quest item: Quicksilver 38,2%

Hallate's Maid (ToI 3):
>>> quest item: Reagent Pouch 66,4%, que aberto pode dar:
2x Quicksilver 30%
2x Moonstone Shard 30%
1x Rotten Bone Piece 20%
1x Infernium Ore 20%
>>> quest item: Volcanic Ash 18%

Hallate's Guardian (ToI 3):
>>> quest item: Demon's Blood 72,9%
>>> quest item: Moonstone Shard 10,4%

Platinum Tribe Shaman:
>>> quest item: Reagent Pouch 68%, que aberto pode dar:
2x Blood Root 10%
2x Sulfur 20%
1x Rotten Bone Piece 35%
1x Infernium Ore 35%
>>> quest item: Quicksilver 32%

Platinum Guardian Shaman:
>>> quest item: Reagent Box 44,2%, que aberto pode dar:
2x Blood Root 20%
2x Sulfur 20%
1x Infernium Ore 35%
2x Demon's Blood 25%

Blazing Swamp

Lava Wyrm:
>>> quest item: Wyrm's Blood 50,5%
>>> quest item: Lava Stone 24,5%

Hames Orc Shaman:
>>> quest item: Reagent Pouch 47%, when open can give:
1x Lava Stone Lava Stone 20%
2x Volcanic Ash Volcanic Ash 20%
2x Quicksilver Quicksilver 20%
1x Moonstone Shard Moonstone Shard 40%
>>> quest item: Quicksilver

3) Mix the Reagants: Go to Alchemist's Mixing Urn in the basement of Ivory Tower in front of Magic Trade Wesley. Choose which ingredients you want to mix and at what temperature. Lower temperature is safer , the higher temperatures could fail but produce more reagants.

  • Lowest temperature is Salamnder - 100% sucsess rate - production x1
  • Middle temperature is Ifrit 45% sucsess rate - production x2
  • Highest temperature is Phoenix 15% sucsess rate - production x3
Low Level Reagent Formulas:

    Dracoplasm: 10 Wyrm's Bloods, 1 Blood Root
    Magmu Dust: 10 Lava Stones, 1 Volcanic Ash
    Moon Dust: 10 Moonstone Shards, 1 Volcanic Ash
    Necroplasm: 10 Rotten Bone Pieces, 1 Blood Root
    Inferno Dust: 10 Infernium Ores, 1 Volcanic Ash
    Demonplasm: 10 Demon Blood, 1 blood Root

High Level Reagent Formulas:

    Draconic Essence: 10 Dracoplasms, 1 Quicksilver
    Fire Essence: 10 Magma Dusts, 1 Sulfur
    Lunargent: 10 Moon Dusts, 1 Quicksilver
    Midnight Oil: 10 Necroplasms, 1 QuickSilver
    Demonic Essense: 10 Demonplasms, 1 Sulfur
    Abyss Oil: 10 Inferno Dusts, 1 Sulfur
    Hellfire Oil: 1 Fire Essence, 1 Demonic Essence
    Nightmare Oil: 1 Lunargent, 1 Midnight Oil

4) Reward: give the reagents to Wesley, and he will sell you recipes, parts and other things for them:

    Asofe - 6 Dracoplasm
    Thons - 4 Necroplasm
    100 Cursed Bone - 4 Inferno Ore
    10 Potion of Alacrity - 7 Demonplasm
    10 Scroll of Resurrection - 8 Moon Dust
    Recipe Avadon Gloves (60%) - 1 Dragonic Essence
    Recipe Zubei's Gauntlets (60%) - 1 Dragonic Essence
    Recipe Avadon Boots (60%) - 1 Midnight Oil
    Recipe Zubei's Boots (60%) - 1 Midnight Oil
    Recipe Blue Wolf Gloves (60%) - 1 Midnight Oil
    Recipe Blue Wolf Boots (60%) - 1 Midnight Oil
    Recipe Doom Gloves (60%) - 1 Midnight Oil
    Recipe Doom Boots (60%) - 1 Midnight Oil
    Sealed Dark Crystal Gaiters Pattern x1 - 1 Lunargent
    Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor Pattern x1 - 1 Lunargent
    Sealed Dark Crystal Breastplate Pattern x1 - 1 Demonic Essence
    Sealed Tallum Leather Armor Pattern x1 - 1 Demonic
    Sealed Tallum Plate Armor Pattern x1 - 1 Abyss Oil
    Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare Fabric x1 - 1 Abyss Oil
    Sealed Majestic Leather Armor Fabric x1 - 1 Abyss Oil
    Sealed Armor of Nightmare Pattern x1 - 1 Fire Essence
    Sealed Majestic Plate Armor Pattern x1 - 1 Fire Essence
    Tower Shield - 8 Demonic Essence
    Drake Leather Boots - 8 Abyss Oil
    Square Shield - 5 Lunargent
    Zubei's Gauntlets - 1 Hellfire Oil
    Avadon Gloves - 1 Hellfire Oil
    Zubei's Boots - 1 Hellfire Oil
    Avadon Boots - 1 Hellfire Oil
    Blue Wolf Boots - 4 Nightmare Oil
    Boots of Doom - 4 Nightmare Oil
    Blue Wolf Gloves - 4 Nightmare Oil
    Doom Gloves - 4 Nightmare Oil 

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