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Saga of the Phoenix Knight

 Start Location
 Aden Castle Town
 Start Npc
 Grand Master Sedrick
 Become Phoenix Knight, Secret Book of Giants, 5 million adena, 2,299,404 XP

1. Speak with Grand Master Sedrick at warrior guild of Aden. He gave up his knighthood to follow the path.
2. Speak with Master Felix in Goddard Castle Town.
3. To save Master Sedrick's daughter, you need a dish called ice cold flower. Master Chef Donath in the hot springs area of Goddard knows how to prepare it. Ask him to make it for you. Master Chef Donath 

4. Master Chef Donath needs ice crystals and a fat, white fish.You can get some ice crystals if you make The Finest Ingredients - Part 1 quest from Chef Jeremy. You can get the fat white fish from a fisherman with a skill level of 23 - 25. 

5. Master Chef Donath used the materials and cooked the ice cold flower for you, adding that it cures a fever if you put it next to your head. Hurry up and deliver it to Master Felix in Goddard Castle.

6. You've got the Stone of Commune. You must find the 1st Tablet of Vision near the Tower of Insolence. It is up on a hill south of TOI. Or you can go
near the Northern Pathway of Enchanted Valley (Hunter region) at the east-end of the river. The tablet then reveals the location of the second "Tablet of Vision".

7. Go to the Valley of Saints, 2nd Tablet of Vision is on the west side and on the lowest level. It's surrounded by quest monsters (Guardian of Forbidden Knowledge, big female angels). Click on 2nd Tablet of Vision  and you're told to kill *all* of the Guardians of Forbidden Knowledge.

8. After communicate with the tablet again and get Resonance Amulet - 2 .you feel Fallen Knight Adil waiting for you at the 3rd tablet of Vision .

9.Read all you can about him and get ready for a vicious battle. Back to Goddar and teleport to Ketra Orc outpost. The 3rd Tablet Of Vision is located  on the SE corner of Ketra Orc outpost along the hill range. After killing Fallen Knight Adil, you receive the quest item Resonance Amulet - 3. Speak with ' the "Tablet of Vision" again and it reveals the location of the 4th Stone of Commune.

10. Grand Master Sedric of Aden Castle Town has the fourth Stone of Commune. He needs the Divine Stone of Wisdom. To get it you have to do a choice:

11.  a) If you choose Alliance with the Ketra Orcs Alliance with ketra orcs - level 1 and 2  after   you will have to make quest Magical Power of Water (part 1 only) Magic Power of Water-Part 1

  b) If you choose Alliance with the Varka Silenos Alliance with Varka Silenos-level 1 and 2 after you will have to make quest Magical Power of Fire (part 1 only) Magic power of Fire-Part 1 
12. When you have the Divine Stone of Wisdom go back to  Sedrick in Aden and he will give you Resonance Amulet - 4

13. Now go to 4th Tablet of Vision  and commune with it. 
14. Meet Master Felix of Goddard Castle Town, and get the fifth Stone of Commune. 

15. Go to Wall of Argos and walk to Shrine of Loyality. You need to kill 700 mobs and on the 701 he will  appear. You can be in party to get the itens more fast but you have to kill Halisha solo. You will get the 5th Amulet.(you could also go to the option with 4 sepulchers but is a much harder). Monsters to Hunt: Grave Scarab, Scavenger Scarab, Grave Ant, Scavenger Ant, Shrine Knight and Shrine Guard. 

16. After kill Halishs and get 5th Amulet go to the 5th Tablet. It is in Wall of Argos too. Talk with it and get the location of the 6th tablet.  It tells you to find the next Tablet of Vision north of the Seal of Shilen. Go there and talk to the tablet.

17 During the fifth communion, you see a devil waiting beside Tablet of Vision 6. Monster to Hunt - Shadow of Beleth.The tablet is located near the Forrest of the Dead.

 18 After killing the shadow of Beleth, Eric disappeared, leaving behind the Stone of Commune. Click the tablet again. It tells you to go back to Felix in Goddard Castle Town.

Congrats! You are now a Phoenix Knight !

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