NOTE: The rewards before CT2 Gracia do not give adenas.
1. Go and talk to Master Raien in Aden
Warrior Guild. She says that blacksmith Feynn in Goddard knows thesource of Eva's
2. Go and talk to the Blacksmith Feynn in
Goddard. He want you to get a legendary bitter cold beer that Donath in hot
spring can make.
3. Go and talk to Chef Donath in the Hot
Springs. He asks you to bring him Ice Crystal and a Big White Fat Fish (buy it
or fish it).
If you can't buy the fish you must train your
fishing skills to lvl 24 and start fishing.
4. Now you'll need to visit Chef Jeremy in the Hot
Springs area too. You can get some ice crystals if you make The Finest Ingredients - Part 1 quest from Chef Jeremy
5. When you have both ingredients back to Master Chef Donath. He uses the ingredients to
make you a legendary bitter cold beer.
7. Now you have to go the first Tablet Of Vision that is location near the Northern Pathway of Enchanted Valley at the east-end of the river. The tablet then reveals the location of the second "Tablet of Vision".
7. Go to the Valley of Saints, second Tablet Of Vision . It's surrounded by quest monsters (Guardian of Forbidden Knowledge, big female angels). Click on Tablet of Vision #2 and you're told to kill *all* of the Guardians of Forbidden Knowledge. When you kill them you will get Stone of Commune. Communicate with the tablet again and get Resonance Amulet - 2and the location of 3rd tablet.
16. The
5th Tablet is in Wall of Argos too. Talk with it and get the location of the
6th tablet.
17. Go to the sixth and last Tablet Of Vision and
talk with it. Two quest mobs will spawn. You must protect Irene from the Fallen Angel Narcissus.
Talk to Irene and she will give you Resonance Amulet 6 . Talk to the tablet again.
6.Back to Blacksmith Feynn in Goddart. He gets the legendary bitter cold beer and drink it as soon as you sing. He gives you the location of 1st tablet of vision.
7. Now you have to go the first Tablet Of Vision that is location near the Northern Pathway of Enchanted Valley at the east-end of the river. The tablet then reveals the location of the second "Tablet of Vision".
7. Go to the Valley of Saints, second Tablet Of Vision . It's surrounded by quest monsters (Guardian of Forbidden Knowledge, big female angels). Click on Tablet of Vision #2 and you're told to kill *all* of the Guardians of Forbidden Knowledge. When you kill them you will get Stone of Commune. Communicate with the tablet again and get Resonance Amulet - 2and the location of 3rd tablet.
8.Go to the tirth Tablet Of Vision. Kill the quest monster Sword Player Biel that spawns
and talk to the tablet again.
11. Go and speak with Tunatun in Beast Farm. He asks you the Divine stone of Wisdom.
12. To
get it you have to do a choice:
a) If you choose
Alliance with the Ketra Orcs Alliance
with ketra orcs - level 1 and 2 after you will have to
make quest Magical Power of Water (part 1 only) Magic
Power of Water-Part 1
b) If you choose
Alliance with the Varka Silenos Alliance
with Varka Silenos-level 1 and 2 after you will have to make quest
Magical Power of Fire (part 1 only) Magic
power of Fire-Part 1
13. When you have a Divine Stone of Wisdom, return to Tunatun in Beast Farm, who gives you Resonance Amulet 4. Go to search the fourth Tablet Of Vision. Talk to it, and you
have to go talk to Priest Cerenas in Goddard.
14.Go to talk to Priest Cerenas in Goddard. She tells you that you must kill Archon Of Halisha in
order to get the 5th Resonance Amulet.You can kill him at Four Sepulchers, but
that is not always easy.
15. Go
to Wall of Argos and walk to Shrine of Loyality. You need to kill 700 mobs and on
the 701 he will appear. You can be in party to get the itens more fast
but you have to kill Halisha solo. You will get the 5th Amulet.(you could also
go to the option with 4 sepulchers but is a much harder). Monsters to Hunt:
Grave Scarab, Scavenger Scarab, Grave Ant, Scavenger Ant, Shrine Knight and
Shrine Guard. After kill Halisha and get 5th Amulet go to the 5th Tablet.

18. Go back to Master Raien in Aden.