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Testimony of Prosperity

 Level  37  Start Location  Giran Castle Town  Start Npc  Warehouse Freightman Parman  Races  Dwarf  Classes  All  Repeatable  No (Solo)  Reward  Mark of Prosperity You will need: 10 Crystals - D Grade 100 Animal Skin 1) Go to Giran Castle Town and talk to Warehouse Freightman Parman. He will ask you to get 4 items. 2) Go to Dwarven Village and talk to Iron Gate's Lockirin at Elder concil. He asks you to talk with all in the room. Each one will ask you to pick up a iten. Now you must speak to various NPCs around town to collect some items:             - Carrier Torocco:  Hidden behind the warehouse. Talk to him and you will gain the Procuration of Torocco.             ...