Level 39 Start Location Giran Castle Town Start Npc Virtus Races Kamael Classes Trooper / Warder Repeatable No (Solo) Reward Ability to change class to Soul Breaker sp- 8344 exp- 73590 1. Start the quest by speaking with Grand Master Vitus in Giran. 2. Meet with Kekropus in the Kamael Village. He needs you to to see Vice Hierarch Casca for approval. 3. Vice Hierarch Casca is next to Kekropus. When you speak with him he will send you to meet with Grand Master Holst in Dion. 4. Speak Holst , he tells you more about the suspicious person. 5. Now you have to speak with the guards. At the North gate speak with Guard Harlan. At the South gate speak with Captain Lucas. ...